Today’s Physician Renaissance has the ability to transform a single endpoint career into an expansive evolutionary process.A step-by-step process is needed for exploring such options.
Several widely varying industries have increasing demands for medical expertise in both full-time and consulting capacities. Companies in the pharmaceutical, insurance, legal, public health, investment, publishing, and creative industries have constant need for such expertise. Until recently there was no comprehensive source of information about these industries as it relates to physician opportunities.
The number of physicians working and consulting in non-clinical industries continues to rise. Students and residents are increasingly interested in learning about non-clinical career options, and many older physicians are reducing the percentage of their time in the clinic or retiring from practice earlier to pursue other interests. Even more profound, however, is the rapidly rising number of physicians exploring such alternatives midstream in their clinical careers.
Physician expertise supply and industry demand have remained divided by a seemingly impassable chasm. Most physicians do not know what their non-clinical career options are, let alone where and how to explore such options. Even physicians who have entered a non-clinical industry have minimal opportunity to learn about other types of non-clinical careers.
There is a large unmet need for cross-pollination of ideas and opportunities within the non-clinical arena. Physician Renaissance Network now provides a dedicated source of information, services, and opportunities in these non-clinical areas.