Career coach Doctor Michelle Mudge-Riley recently authored an article on the American College of Physician Executives website titled: “First-Person Perspective: MDs Explain Why They Chose the Non-Clinical Path.”
The article includes vignettes about a few physicians who have evaluated nonclinical careers and made a physician career change. Physician Renaissance Network founder, Michael J. McLaughlin, MD, is one of the physicians featured in the article.
The article starts:
“If you’ve considered a non-clinical career or you are trying to learn more about what you could do in a non-clinical career, it’s nice to read stories about what other doctors have done.
When I coach and mentor other doctors, I tell them they can literally do anything in their careers. Sometimes the best physician leaders serve as clinicians but also have other career experiences. These things can be done at various points in your lifetime. There are opportunities in finance, business, sales, consulting, policy, research, communications and as entrepreneurs (and more). It helps to read about what other people have done to be inspired to consider what a non-clinical opportunity might mean for you.”
To read the full article, please visit the ACPE website.