If you are doing expert witness work or considering consulting in that area, you should strongly consider getting listed in expert witness consulting directories. Two good places to start are JurisPro and SEAK.
Formed by a group of practicing attorneys, JurisPro Inc. is a professional marketing company that maintains a free online directory of expert witnesses for the legal community. JurisPro started with this premise: “As an attorney, would you rather go to a website that has a simple text listing of expert witnesses, or one in which you could read that expert’s resume, see their photo, hear the expert speak, learn their background as an expert witnesses, read their articles, access that expert’s website, and contact that expert by phone, mail, fax or e-mail?” JurisPro has each of these features. Through their services, legal professionals can find and properly retain a qualified expert, evaluate an expert to whom they were referred, or learn information about their opponent’s expert.
SEAK Inc. is the expert witness training company. SEAK has trained thousands of expert witnesses through our seminars, conferences, on-site corporate training, assisting retaining counsel to prepare their witnesses, and one-on-one training for individual experts. SEAK’s Expert Witness Directory is free to use. Experts listed in SEAK’s Directory deal directly with retaining counsel with no additional costs for the retaining party to bear.