Unique Opportunities Magazine has an on-line archived article entitled “Making Connections On Line: Use on-line networking Web sites to expand career opportunities and open doors,” written BY Marcia Layton Turner.
The following is an execpt fro the article:
“It’s not what you know, it’s whom you know” is true in every profession. Meeting, getting to know, and befriending others is a critical step in advancing your social life or your career. Whether you aim to land a prestigious fellowship, pursue an attending spot at a popular medical center, earn a coveted position in a lucrative private practice, or get invited to present a paper at an upcoming conference, networking can make it happen.
The process of networking is defined as a social activity that forms a connection between people with similar interests who stay in touch for mutual assistance and support. Such initial contacts can occur virtually anywhere—while on rounds, in the staff lounge, at dinner parties, local medical society meetings, on the golf course, or at PTA meetings. However, following up and staying in touch with the people you’ve met is critical to establishing an ongoing relationship—a connection. Over time, such professional relationships can prove extremely useful as you explore career opportunities. Your network may yield a heads-up about a job opening, about the best place to live in the city you’re moving to, or serve as a valuable reference for a grant. Networking opens doors.”
To read the rest of the article, please visit the Unique Opportunities website.