Do you listen to podcasts?
There’s a new podcast series and it features two doctors talking about career diversification, career satisfaction, ways to enhance your current practice situation and options for non-clinical careers.
Michelle Mudge-Riley and Rich Berning co-host the series. Both are doctors. One is in solo practice as a pediatric cardiologist and has a variety of experiences in a hospital based practice as well as private practice. The other is a doctor who successfully transitioned out of clinical medicine eight years ago and now works with other physicians to help them enhance their career strategy – both in and out of direct clinical care.
“We’re doing this because we see a gap of lack of business skills and training in medical school and training. We gained those skills through experience and want to help other doctors avoid pitfalls enhance their own skills without going back to school and investing a huge amount of time and resources. Bottom line is, we want to help other doctors to be happier and more satisfied with their career and life.”
We will have more information about the podcasts during the next few weeks. In the meantime, you can listen to this segment from the series.
Click for PrivatePractice-MD Podcast Intro.mp3