A teleseminar called “For Busy Physicians: A Better Way for Doctors to Live,” led by Joe Weiner, MD, PhD, has been brought to my attention. I have not worked with Joe, but review the attached information and decide for yourself if this looks worthwhile to you.
Once a victim of overwork, Joe has created a course called: “For Busy Physicians: A Better Way for Doctors to Live.”
Joe is offering a free one-hour teleseminar to preview his program. There’s no charge for the call, which he plans to make educational, inspirational, and entertaining.
The free one-hour teleseminar is scheduled at two different times. Physicians can phone in Saturday 11/08/08 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. EST, or Monday 11/10/08 from 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Please click here: [a-better-way-for-doctors-to-live.pdf] or email Dr. Weiner’s assistant Ann Harrell at ann at amhbusinesssolutions.com. Write, “I’d like to register for this week’s teleseminar” in the subject line. Include your full name, primary email address and first name, as you’d like to be called.
If you attend this teleseminar, please provide feedback to info at prnresource.com, so that we can better assess what types of information to provide to our readers and members.