It was recently brought to our attention (incorrectly, we hope) that there is no formalized support mechanism for disabled physicians in the United States.
The AMA porvides support for disabilities due to addiction and substance abuse, but not those due to physical ailments. This is despite up to 5% of all doctors reporting some type of disability. This unmet need became glaringly obvious recently at a conference where we met 5 doctors looking for alternative career options due to physical disabilities ranging from arthritis to inner ear disease to lower back injury. Unfortunately, none knew where to turn for support.
There is support in Canada through the Canadian Association of Physicians with Disabilities (www.capd.ca/) and in the UK through the Association of Disabled Professionals (ADP, http://www.adp.org.uk/). The British Medical Association (www.bma.org.uk/) has a strong web site link for disabled physicians, and their bylaws even have a section that specifically states their duty toward disabled physicians. The BMA actively supports their disabled doctors in helping them seek employment and support.
If you know where a disabled physician in the United States can find more information or support, please post a comment here, or email info at prnresource.com. There are clearly a lot of doctors in need of this information. Thank you.