John La Puma, M.D., F.A.C.P. is a board-certified specialist in internal medicine, a nutrition expert and a professionally trained chef.
The following biography is from his website.
“He is Medical Director of the Santa Barbara Institute for Medical Nutrition and Healthy Weight, a division of CHEF Clinic(R) (Cooking, Healthy Eating and Fitness), and has pioneered the well-regarded and highly effective Medical Coaching for Weight Loss Executive Program.
Formerly a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Chicago, Dr. La Puma was the first physician in the U.S. to undertake and complete a postgraduate fellowship in medical ethics, and is an expert in informed consent. He also taught the first Nutrition and Cooking Course for Medical Students in the U.S., at SUNY in 2003. A national spokesperson for the Harvard-tested DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), he has appeared on major network (NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, PBS) and cable (CNN) outlets nationwide. The New England Journal of Medicine, the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times have published his work. USA Today, Prevention, Men’s Journal, Diversion, Health, Self, Shape, Vogue, Eating Well, Better Homes and Gardens, Parade, Women’s Day and Newsweek Magazines among others have featured his work.
Dr. La Puma is co-author of the New York Times best-seller The RealAge Diet: Make Yourself Younger with What You Eat, with Michael Roizen MD published by HarperCollins and Cooking the RealAge Way: Turn Back Your Biological Clock. RealAge has been featured on Oprah, 20/20, Good Morning America, Today, CBN Breakfast Club, Donny and Marie and hundreds of other national shows, and over 50 national magazines, including O, Time, McCalls, Cosmopolitan and Mademoiselle. Named “One of America’s Top Physicians” by the Consumers’ Research Council and a “Secret Weapon” by the Wall Street Journal, both in 2003, Dr. La Puma maintains an active national medical practice focusing on weight management and nutrition based in Santa Barbara, California.”
For more information about Dr. La Puma and his work, please visit his website.