Whether taking steps to enhance your career or transitioning completely into a non-clinical career, there are certain pitfalls to avoid. Here are some thoughts from Career Change Corner Guest Editor Dr. Michelle Mudge-Riley.
The journey usually takes a physician through areas that address questions such as
* “Why did I become a physician?”
* “Am I still a doctor if I practice part time or don’t see patients at all?”
* “What will people think?”
* “What will I do?”
* “Will I be able to make the salary I need?”
When struggling with these questions, one tendency can be to lose confidence in yourself. That was my biggest mistake. I say that because losing confidence in yourself can affect how you interact with others, how you present yourself to future employers and how you build relationships. I found there was a world of difference in how someone perceived my skills and abilities depending on how I presented myself. When I forgot how much discipline, determination and intellectual ability, people skills and emotional intelligence it took not only to become a doctor, but to use those skills and then to decide to use them “outside the box if traditional medicine” I was seen as someone who did not have those skills at all! But when I felt I had something to offer because I remembered and embraced those facets of my personality and intellect, people were drawn to me and I had doors open for me that I might not have even known were available.
Several other pitfalls to avoid include taking a job “just because you can do it” or “because the salary is decent” or because “I am afraid I won’t have another offer.” Time and time again I have seen physicians take these jobs only to have to extract themselves from another situation that is wrong.
Michelle Mudge-Riley, D.O.
Website: http://www.phphysicians.com/
e-mail: mudgeriley at yahoo.com
Telephone: 804-334-7983